Geert Oerlemans - Personal Property Advisor - Costa del Sol - Malaga Greater Area

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Personal Property Advisor

Geert Oerlemans

Greater Andalusia area
Geert Oerlemans is based in Malaga and focuses on houses in Andalusia. From this central location, the area between Nerja and Marbella is fully served. The region is very popular with Dutch and Belgians for the purchase of a second home. Andalusia has a lot to offer. The beautiful cities of Malaga, Seville and Granada and the white authentic villages such as Frigiliana and Anteguerra are cultural highlights. There is something for everyone: from larger places with lots of liveliness to quiet villages with cozy squares. This diversity is also reflected in the accommodation on offer: from houses in the mountain villages to luxury villas.

After studying Real Estate and Brokerage, Geert has gone through all disciplines of brokerage over the years. From new construction and corporate brokerage to existing construction. 

When buying a property in Spain, clients can use someone who actually stands up for their interests. With Geert, the client is always the focus. He guides you in the purchase of a house and provides you with good advice. With his experience he is happy to help you find your dream home.

Geert has two specialties: buying a second home and buying investment properties.

Second home
Geert's clients are completely relieved in the entire process from search request to key transfer. This is taken care of on an exclusive basis. He keeps the client well informed of the latest developments. In addition, he has an extensive network, linking the client to the best parties, when a property is bought or sold.

Investment properties
The Spanish real estate market and the city of Malaga offer opportunities for investors. Due to the housing market in other European countries, it is difficult to achieve a desired level of return. Geert discusses investors' requirements and identifies the various opportunities in this market. Whether it is an apartment for rent or a complex for short stay in the city. We provide clients with solid information to arrive at easy investment proposals. For these investors, the real estate properties are fully managed.

In both specialties, Geert works with a clear mission: the customer is the main focus.

The customers' wishes are never lost sight of. Once Geert meets and exceeds expectations, only then is he satisfied!


Baerz Property Finders & Advisors

Costa del Sol - Malaga Greater Area

Calle Serranía de Ronda 26
29018 Málaga stad

+34 936 09 62 62
Costa del Sol - Malaga Greater Area
Costa del Sol - Malaga Greater Area

Casas de lujo en venta - Costa del Sol - Malaga Greater Area

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Vivir en la región

Málaga - Valtocado - Fuengirola

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Vivir en Málaga

Málaga, escondida en la costa sur de España, en la región de Andalucía, es una ciudad con una rica historia de más de 3000 años. Esta enciclopedia de historia es evidente en la vasta cantidad de lugares históricos, desde el Teatro Romano hasta la emblemática Alcazaba y también la majestuosa Catedral de Málaga. Además, su ubicación geográfica, a las orillas del Mediterráneo, le otorga un clima cálido agradable, que invita a ser disfrutada durante todo el año.

Vivir en Valtocado

Valtocado, un enclave andaluz de lujo anidado en las colinas de la Costa del Sol, está empapado en una rica historia y una cultura vibrante. Situado en la provincia de Málaga, Valtocado es hogar para la Ermita de San Antón, un lugar de interés histórico que data del siglo XVII. La geografía de Valtocado es única, disfrutando de una ubicación elevada que proporciona vistas panorámicas al Mediterráneo. Con sus antiguas raíces Moriscas y su proximidad a Málaga, Valtocado tiene mucho que ofrecer desde el punto de vista histórico y geográfico.

Vivir en Fuengirola

En el corazón de la Costa del Sol, yacen los encantos de Fuengirola, una ciutvibrante llena de historia y estilo. Fundada por los fenicios, admirada por los romanos y fortificada por los moros, Fuengirola es un crisol de culturas y tradiciones. Hoy, su espléndida ubicación geográfica junto al Mediterráneo y su rica historia son los cimientos de su exclusivo mercado inmobiliario. Los monumentos históricos como el Castillo de Sohail y la Plaza de Toros aportan un toque de autenticidad y elegancia a esta localidad encantadora.