Joris van Oosten - Immobilienmakler - Groot-Rotterdam

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+31 6 42 19 84 37

Joris van Oosten

Rotterdam is a young, dynamic cosmopolitan city, continuously renewing itself at a rapid rate. Sparkling skyscrapers, an impressive port, trendy restaurants and food markets, renowned museums and awesome festivals are the direct result of the can-do mentality of the citizens. Full of energy and innovation, The city reinvented itself after the bombing of the Second World War. It broke with the past and chose modern architecture. The motto: light, air and space, was ground breaking for that time. Rotterdam still embraces experimentation: almost anything is possible.

As a Business City Rotterdam is a worldly place with a port which is among the largest in the world and thus the gateway to Europe. The city contains many multinational companies, financial service providers, high-quality medical organisations, providing dynamic economic networks. A city which, thanks also to its location at the crossroads of road, water, rail and air links is an attractive location. Rotterdam has fourteen regions each again subdivided into districts.

Rotterdam provides several beautiful lakes and parks, the major river The Maas with its stunning bridges and you'll find the tiny river Rotte curling through the city and its suburbs. There's even a network of watertaxi's and waterbuses throughout the city. Situated directly at rivers and lakes you'll find the most exclusive properties of the city with the most incredible views.

Meet Joris van Oosten who founded his leading luxury home practice J.J. van Oosten Makelaardij in 2010 after having fully developed his skills at various real estate offices throughout the Greater Rotterdam Area since 1999. Typically Joris has broken with the typical traditional brokerage approach. 'For me creativity and personal involvement is key to everything in this business. Together with his colleagues Estherly and Ciska the practice contains over 60 years of working experience in luxury real estate. Joris' also commends the commitment of his secretaries. We all combine the passion for our jobs with our in-depth regional knowledge making real estate brokerage a people's business again'. It goes without words he and his team are always available to assist, even after office hours and happy to meet you out of their office at a place of your own convenience. 'Our extraordinary clients can always rely on our extraordinary service'!
Joris practice provides all general (NVM certified) brokerage services such as valuations, legal and technical due diligence, buying and selling and represents a renowned agency in the luxury segment of the Greater Rotterdam Area.

Straatweg 225
3054 AG Rotterdam

+31 10 422 11 00

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Leben in der Region

Rotterdam - Rhoon - Capelle an der Ijssel

Rotterdam photo

Leben in Rotterdam

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Leben in Rhoon

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Capelle an der Ijssel photo

Leben in Capelle an der Ijssel

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