The house is analyzed into three buildings, each one of them having a different function. A central building houses the common use spaces (sitting room, kitchen, dining-room, library); to the north, a building contains the bedrooms; to the south, the guest-house. The breaking-down of the house confers increased importance to the exterior spaces of stay and movement, which become in this way a composing element of the residence. The building complex is inspired by the idea of a private residence using proportions and materials that belong to the vocabulary of the public, monumental architecture. The assignment of the different functions to specific building
structures gives to the house functional and morphological clarity. At a purely functional level, this breaking-down allows for a better isolation of the different activities and it protects the privacy of the residents. The disposition of the buildings with regard to the entrance reflects the function and importance of each one of them. The positioning of the buildings at different angles defines multiple visual trajectories. Moreover, the angles created by the axes of the buildings emphasize the perspective of the intervening spaces. The symmetry of the structures and the morphological independence of the buildings enhance these phenomena.