Mijntje van den Berk en Marjolein Kap - Architects

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+31 (0)6 30 45 76 95 (Marjolein)

Mijntje van den Berk en Marjolein Kap

Studio KAP+BERK believes that the environment in which we live has a great influence on our way of life.
KAP+BERK strives for designs that are clear, legible and sustainable. Aesthetics and good workmanship down to the last detail are important, but according to Studio KAP+BERK a living and working environment should be logical. The routing must be right, one must be able to orientate oneself and everything needs its place. This has to do with functionality as well as light, vision and use of colour. The emphasis is on spatiality, contrasts, proportions and lines of sight.
Indoors and outdoors are connected with each other: only when the whole plan is right and all aspects are in balance with each other is it good.

For KAP+BERK sustainability means that in addition to a conscious choice of materials and energy measures, a design can also withstand time, both in use and design.

The level of finish is always high at studio KAP+BERK. The desk respectfully combines the old with the new of present and future.
Modern additions and historical qualities reinforce each other through their contrast.
The ambition is to create bright spaces that are livable and comfortable, that fit in with the lifestyle of the users and also do justice to the building.


Studio Kap + Berk

Postenhof 15
6655 BA Puiflijk

+31 (0)6 11 05 07 78 (Mijntje)
