Isabel Vert - Personal Property Advisor - Barcelona Greater Area

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Personal Property Advisor

Isabel Vert

Who does not want to enjoy a wonderful and sunny terrace in Barcelona? ATICO is now the only realtor focused exclusively on selling and renting penthouses in the city.

It is part of Grupo ATICO that also has another well-known brand, NORA MARTI, dedicated to the luxury segment in our city.

The firm is formed by a family team, multidisciplinary, enthusiastic in the way of working and above all recognized for their honesty. Operating since 2004 with a deep knowledge of the neighborhoods that make up the city, its streets, different environments and recommendations to help its customers to find the best apartment that fits their needs. Because at the end this is the reason that moves us, to help our clients to make their dream come true.

Isabel Vert is CEO and founder of the two agencies. Her training has nothing to do with the real estate world but her passion for listening and understanding people made her get involved with this new project at the first minute.

She loves to walk around her city and enjoys all the cultural events offered. Lover of its cosmopolitan cuisine and always looking for those hidden secrets that make us better understand the city through its history.

And of course, she practices sports and long excursions through the parks and beaches of this magnificent city.


Baerz Property Finders & Advisors

Barcelona Greater Area

Via Augusta 229, bajos
08021 Barcelona

+34 936 09 62 62

Luxusimmobilien zu verkaufen - Barcelona Greater Area

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Carrer Can Ros photo

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Bonanova photo

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Barcelona photo

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