Nancy Dielissen - Managing Director

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Managing Director
+31 (0)20 21 01 110

Nancy Dielissen

Nancy Dielissen is Marketing and Management Partner at Baerz & Co. She is a marketing professional with around 25 years of exposure in the marketing/branding/communication domain.

Nancy is a business developer and excellent communicator in B2B. Good sense and proven track record for building successful media campaigns. Passionate for writing with an impact that lasts. Knows that spot-on content is key to make the right connection in people’s hearts and minds.

Her human-focused approach in managing marketing teams often leads to an enthusiastic, diverse and highly driven team spirit. In return we get the best content, events and campaigns.

Strategic Planning, Coordination of marketing and communications team, Development of networks and media content, Marketing Information Services, Implementation of marketing campaigns, Crossmedia Advertising, Media Planning, Press Office & PR 2.0, Social Media Strategy, Content Management, Events organization.

Baerz & Co

Gustav Mahlerplein 28
1082 MA Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 21 01 110